Decide on title for podcast
- HDC Podcast (having the word literally in the title on the platforms makes no sense, as people see this on their podcasting app)
- Human Design Commons
- or a more creative, attention catching title like:
Ajnas on fire
Genius to Freak Talk
Outer Authority Sharing (vote from Thomas)
Voices of Human Design
Voices of Uniqueness
(along those lines....)
- on the apps it would be displayed as:
Voices of Uniqueness
by Human Design Commons
- see preview attached
Thomas Seiger
I like Outer Authority Sharings
or OAS's
Thomas Seiger: it's a great title, but for newbies to HD it might be confusing, and authority can have a negative ring to it.... But for insiders it's a great title definitely
Talis WAO
Tamara : Just let your sacral get asked and you'll know :-)